Man, I've got this sore throat and a cough. Definitely got it from both of my parents.
Archery on Friday was really fun. Didn't learn much, but still fun. I really want to stick with the sport. Luckily, my parents are somewhat supportive about it, and they saw I wanted to practice, so they wanted me to look for an archery range or club so I could practice there. Unfortunately, the closest one is in Chino, and they don't have bows for us to rent - I'd have to bring my own - which I don't have yet. I really want to get one of my own soon.
So later, Daddy figured that going to the range wouldn't be worth it. He'd rather have me practice in the backyard! We went to Chick's Sporting Goods today, but no archery equips there. Right after, we headed straight for Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World. BIG shop. Good thing I went there with CB on Friday, otherwise I'd be lost.
We talked to a guy working in the archery section of the store, Brian. Apparently, he's in the same archery class at Chaffey with me! He was telling me how our teacher really didn't know anything she was talking about. Great. Now I gotta worry about just passing that class. But what he said wasn't too much of a surprise, though. I was already thinking how strange it was that there wasn't much to learn about technique and stance for the first day. I'm sure there's a right way to stand, draw, aim and release...

Brian recommended that I get a PSE Buckeye. I've read about those being good for beginners on LJ before. Plus, there's good reviews, AND it's on sale right now on Cabela' I'll have my eye on that!
After looking at the archery targets and stuff, we looked at guns. So, it wasn't a surprise that soon after lunch, Daddy dug out his air gun from the storage shed. Who knows how long ago that gun's been around! It's a Hammerli air pistol, made from Germany.
In no time, Daddy said I now know how to shoot a gun! He said I had a steady hand, and that's great, for it being my first time! I hit the Pepsi can on my first shot. Amazing!
It looks like my precision is good, and I need to work a little more on accuracy. Daddy wants to take me to fire real guns at a range in the future. I know it's gonna be a little harder 'cuz of the recoil and stuff.
Man, I've been SO freaking tired all day today. I didn't even wanna get out of bed, but MOMMY likes to come in and tell me to go downstairs for breakfast all the time! I need a break!
It was a high of 108 degrees today, and it's gonna be 108 again tomorrow. Are we really going to Redondo Beach tomorrow like Mommy said? I didn't even shave yet. Too tired in the shower, plus I couldn't find my bottle of shaving gel. -_-
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